Minimum Nights Rule

How do I specify a different length of stay on certain days of the week?

Do you have a different minimum night stay requirement on the weekends than during the week? Set the minimum night stay you want to apply to each day of the week.

  1. From the strategies overlay, click the New button to add a new rule.
  2. Select Minimum Nights Rule from the dropdown list, to edit the minimum nights settings for your strategy.
  3. For each day of the week, set a minimum night stay. By default, these are all set to a value of 1.

    In the example below, we have left minimum stay requirement of 1 night, for Sunday through Thursday unchanged. For the weekends, we have set a new minimum night stay requirement of 2 nights.
  4. Click the Save button to save the rule to your strategy.

You have the option of saving your strategy now, and using your strategy as currently composed, or you may continue adding more rules, and fine-tuning other settings in the strategy details. Be sure to review your details and rules settings before clicking the Save button to save the strategy. This will result in new rates being generated for the rental.

As always, please contact us with questions any time. We're happy to help!

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